Results for 'Andrei I. Ivanov'

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  1.  44
    Endocytosis of the apical junctional complex: mechanisms and possible roles in regulation of epithelial barriers.Andrei I. Ivanov, Asma Nusrat & Charles A. Parkos - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):356-365.
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    Cytoskeletal mechanisms regulating attaching/effacing bacteria interactions with host cells: It takes a village to build the pedestal.Nayden G. Naydenov, Armando Marino-Melendez, Kenneth G. Campellone & Andrei I. Ivanov - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400160.
    The actin cytoskeleton is a key cellular structure subverted by pathogens to infect and survive in or on host cells. Several pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, such as enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), developed a unique mechanism to remodel the actin cytoskeleton that involves the assembly of actin filament‐rich pedestals beneath the bacterial attachment sites. Actin pedestal assembly is driven by bacterial effectors injected into the host cells, and this structure is important for EPEC and EHEC (...)
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    Reprezentat︠s︡ii︠a︡subʺektivnosti v kulʹture russkoĭ intelligent︠s︡ii XIX veka: monografii︠a︡.Andreĭ Ivanov - 2016 - Komsomolʹsk-na-Amure: Komsomolʹskiĭ-na-Amure gosudarstvennyĭ tekhniIheskiĭ universitet.
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  4. Materialistychna dialektyka i aktualʹni pytanni︠a︡ suspilʹnoï praktyky ta naukovoho piznanni︠a︡.V. I. Shinkaruk, V. P. Ivanov, O. I. I︠A︡tsenko & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973
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  5. Nauchnoe mirovozzrenie i sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ kulʹtura.V. I. Shinkaruk & V. P. Ivanov (eds.) - 1988 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    The Visual Experience of Kinds.Andrei I. Marasoiu - 2013 - Dissertation, Georgia State University
    Do perceiving subjects represent kind properties in the content of their conscious visual experience when they see and recognize instances of those natural kinds? In Part 1 of my thesis I clarify this question, in Part 2 I answer it, and in Part 3 I raise a problem for previous answers. Part 1 conceives of conscious experience in an internalist way, and the unified conscious episode does not exclude having beliefs about what one sees. Following Siegel and Bayne, Part 2 (...)
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    The Realism and Evolutionary Personalism of N.O. Lossky.Petr Abramov & Andrei Ivanov - 2018 - Sophia 59 (4):767-778.
    The paper is devoted to Nikolay Lossky who was one of the leading Russian philosophers of the first half of the twentieth century. We demonstrate the interrelationship between three aspects of Lossky’s philosophy: realism in the theory of knowledge, hierarchical personalism, and supra-naturalistic concept of evolution. We pay attention to the contemporary relevance of Lossky, and we discuss and critique his ideas in light of those of other philosophers. Lossky acknowledges that the subject interacts with being itself and that knowledge (...)
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    Understanding Language Reorganization With Neuroimaging: How Language Adapts to Different Focal Lesions and Insights Into Clinical Applications.Luca Pasquini, Alberto Di Napoli, Maria Camilla Rossi-Espagnet, Emiliano Visconti, Antonio Napolitano, Andrea Romano, Alessandro Bozzao, Kyung K. Peck & Andrei I. Holodny - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    When the language-dominant hemisphere is damaged by a focal lesion, the brain may reorganize the language network through functional and structural changes known as adaptive plasticity. Adaptive plasticity is documented for triggers including ischemic, tumoral, and epileptic focal lesions, with effects in clinical practice. Many questions remain regarding language plasticity. Different lesions may induce different patterns of reorganization depending on pathologic features, location in the brain, and timing of onset. Neuroimaging provides insights into language plasticity due to its non-invasiveness, ability (...)
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    Bad to the bone: essentially bad perceptual experiences.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3630-3656.
    Naïve realists have a motive to but have thus far been unable to offer compelling reasons for positing an external constraint on the occurrence of the consciousness involved in perfect hallucinations. If the occurrences of such consciousness were confined to abnormal perceptual contexts, the possibility of perfect hallucinations would have no bearing on the nature of the consciousness involved in cases of perception. On the other hand, it is unclear why the character of the perceptual context should matter constitutively to (...)
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  10. Property-awareness and representation.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):331-342.
    Is property-awareness constituted by representation or not? If it were, merely being aware of the qualities of physical objects would involve being in a representational state. This would have considerable implications for a prominent view of the nature of successful perceptual experiences. According to naïve realism, any such experience—or more specifically its character—is fundamentally a relation of awareness to concrete items in the environment. Naïve realists take their view to be a genuine alternative to representationalism, the view on which the (...)
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    Aretè-logii︠a︡.Dimitŭr Ivanov - 2008 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov".
    1. Aretè : idei i obrazi v sbornata dobrodetelnost -- 2. Aretè : ekzistent︠s︡ialno-t︠s︡ennostna sistema -- 3. Aretè : obuchenie i vŭzpitanie na lidera -- 4. Aretè : upravlenie na dŭrzhavnostta i sigurnostta -- 5. Aretè v muzei︠a︡ : razvitie v strukturata i upravlenieto na evropeĭskii︠a︡ istoricheski muzeĭ -- 6. Avtoreferat na Aretè-logii︠a︡ : knigi I-V.
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  12. Bioethical aspects of medical applications of human genome and gene therapy projects in Russia.Vladimir I. Ivanov - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia. The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services.
  13. Pains and sounds.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):143-163.
    I argue that an analogy between pains and sounds suggests a way to give an objective account of pain which fits well with a naïve perceptualist account of feeling pain. According to the proposed metaphysical account, pains are relational physical events with shared qualitative nature, each of which is constituted by tissue damage and the activation of nociceptors. I proceed to show that the metaphysical proposal is compatible with platitudes about pains being animate, private, and self-intimating states.
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  14. Filosofskie problemy tekhnoznanii︠a︡.B. I. Ivanov - 1997 - Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t istorii estestvoznanii︠a︡ i tekhniki, Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ filial.
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  15. Po-blizo do zhivota.Penʹo Ivanov, Stoi︠a︡n Rizov & I︠U︡lii︠a︡ Vulkova (eds.) - 1977
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    Russian Idea Today.V. I. Ivanov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:29-36.
    Russian idea as philosophy of longing future of Russia was formed by humanists in opposition to real state of life in the country. Beginning from Moscow kingdom in Russia there were often oppression, injustice, loutishness, bribery, cultural backwardness, lack of education. The number of civilized, highly educated, high-moral people was very narrow. But the part they played in the history was extremely great; they were always the social vanguard of our motherland. They themselves brought really human properties for their country, (...)
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  17. Rolʹ mirovozzrenii︠a︡ v tvorchestve pisateli︠a︡.A. I. Ivanov - 1962 - [Saratov]: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  18. Sotsial'no-nravstvennoe znachenie ateisticheskogo miroponimaniia.I. G. Ivanov - 1969
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    The Opposition of the "Critical Theory" of Society to the Materialist Conception of History.G. I. Ivanov - 1985 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 24 (1):46-80.
    In the system of the philosophical and sociological ideas of the Frankfurt School the "critical theory" of society occupies the central place. In the "critical theory" are interwoven all the most significant aspects of the philosophical, economic, political, sociological, psychological, aesthetic, and ethical ideas dealt with by the representatives of this school. And therefore it is not accidental that the concept of the "critical theory" of society is employed frequently as a synonym of the social philosophy of the Frankfurt School. (...)
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    Sensing mind-independence.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14931-14949.
    I propose that the fundamental challenge Berkeley left realists is to account for experiences’ ability to present items as mind-independent, consistent with the claim that experiences always present themselves among the items of awareness. By exploring two ways of responding to this challenge, and ruling out the second, I hope to show that realists aiming to secure a role for experiences in grounding our grasp of mind-independence need to adopt a specific view of perceptual experience. They must take experiences to (...)
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    Philosophical Foundations of the Humanitarian and Technological Revolution.V. V. Ivanov & G. G. Malinetsky - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):76-95.
    The articles discusses the philosophical foundations and the traditions of the theory of the humanitarian and technological revolution. The subject-matter of HTR theory is the description and forecast of the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial phase of civilization development as well as the strategy and the most effective methods of management of various socio-economic systems. This theory, actively developing in recent years, focuses on goal setting and on determining priorities and development criteria in the field of technology, science (...)
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  22. Fizika i mirovozzrenie.Viacheslav Grigor Evich Ivanov - 1975 - Leningrad: Nauka, Leningr. otd-nie.
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  23. Fizicheskoe i subʺektivnoe: poiski analogii.E. M. Ivanov - 1997 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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    I︠U︡bilei: (zametki sot︠s︡iologa).V. N. Ivanov - 2015 - Moskva: U Nikitskikh vorot.
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  25. Nravstvennoe i ėsteticheskoe vospitanie.V. G. Ivanov & V. V. Selivanova (eds.) - 1973 - Leningrad,: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta.
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  26. Noosfera i khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo.Viacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov, N. V. Zlydneva & Akademiia Nauk Sssr (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  27. Prichinnost ́i determinizm.V. G. Ivanov - 1974 - Leningrad,: "Nauka" Leningr. otd-nie.
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    30 Besed o Vere I Neverii.Konstantin Konstantinovich Ivanov - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Avrora". Edited by Vladimir Sharonov.
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  29. Determinizm v filosofii i fizike.Viacheslav Grigor Evich Ivanov - 1974 - Leningrad,: "Nauka," Leningr. otd-nie.
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  30. Ekzistent︠s︡ializŭm i medit︠s︡ina: [monogr.].Vladimir Borisov Ivanov - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Medit︠s︡ina i fizkultura. Edited by Lili︠a︡na Todorova Ivanova & Boĭko Vladimirov Ivanov.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ i medit︠s︡ina.Vladimir Borisov Ivanov - 2001 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izd-vo "Prof. Marin Drinov".
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    Kulʹtura i razvitie cheloveka: ocherk filosofsko-metodologicheskikh problem.V. P. Ivanov (ed.) - 1989 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Materii︠a︡ i subʺektivnostʹ.E. M. Ivanov - 1998 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  34. Novai︠a︡ teorīi︠a︡ prava i nrastvennosti ei︠a︡ kritiki i monisticheskoe ponimanīe ėtiki.G. A. Ivanov - 1910 - S.-Peterburg,:
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  35. Senʺ-Simonʺ i senʺ-simonizmʺ.Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov - 1901 - Moskva: Univ. tip..
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    Aktualʹnoe chlenenie predlozhenii︠a︡ v tekstovom diskurse i i︠a︡zyke.N. V. Ivanov - 2010 - Moskva: Azbukovnik.
    Монография посвящена анализу и описанию феномена актуального членения предложения как текстовой и как языковой реальности. Подробно на примерах описывается комплекс языковых средств ремовыделения в португальском и русском языках.
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    Otkrytoe khristianstvo: pisʹma, statʹi i vystuplenii︠a︡ raznykh let.Konstantin Konstantinovich Ivanov - 2009 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Evropeĭskiĭ Dom".
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  38. O sootnoshenii zakonov formalʹnoĭ i dialekticheskoĭ logiki v prot︠s︡esse operirovanii︠a︡ poni︠a︡tii︠a︡mi.Evgeniĭ Akimovich Ivanov - 1963
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  39. Problema mirozdanii︠a︡ v nauke i kulʹture.V. G. Ivanov - 1994 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo gos. universiteta. Edited by A. V. Soldatov.
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    Velikie osnovopolozhniki marksizma: po materialam muzei︠︡a K. Marksa i F. Ėngelśa.N. Ivanov & Nikolai Vasil Evich Matkovskii - 1967 - Politizdat.
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    Kraj marksizma: nacrt za kritiku Marxove dijalektike i marksizma uopšte.Miodrag Živanović - 1989 - Banja Luka: Glas.
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    Filozofski triptih.Miodrag Živanović - 2005 - Banja Luka: Litera.
    Plava predavanja -- Plavo i Ultravioletno -- Slovo o Nostalgiji.
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    An Alanic Marginal Note and The Exact Date of John II's Battle with the Pechenegs.Sergey A. Ivanov & Alexandr Lubotsky - 2010 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103 (2):597-603.
    The Greek Prophetologion manuscript Q12 from the library of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, copied in 1275, contains some thirty marginal notes written in Alanic, a pre-stage of Ossetic. On leaf 100r, the glossator provided the Greek heading τ παραμο(ν) τς μέ(σο) ν´ (i.e. μεσοπεντηκοστς), ‘Eve of Mid-Pentecost’, with a gloss πητζινάκ χουτζάου πάν which most probably means ‘Pecheneg Sunday’. A Pecheneg festival established after the decisive victory of John II over the Pechenegs is attested by both Nicetas (...)
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  44.  47
    The European Grammar of Inclusion.Mladjo Ivanovic - 2018 - Radical Philosophy Review 21 (1):103-127.
    This paper tackles an old, yet persisting philosophical and cultural imaginary that justifies the political subjugation, marginalization and exclusion of distant others through claims that such people are less advanced and cognitively inferior, and therefore remain at the periphery of moral and political considerations of Western political culture. My premise here is that all knowledge is historically conditioned, and as such serves as a discursive formation that mirrors and sustains specific historical forms of social organization and practices. Thus, by considering (...)
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    Знање и традиција код Климента Александријског.Filip Ivanovic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):264-274.
    One of the most important exponents of the School of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150. – ca. 215.) is the author of a famous trilogy, consisting of Protrepticus, Paedagogus, and Stromata, which correspond to the three ways of acting of the Logos, namely to convert the pagans to the true faith, to cure the soul from passions, and to uplift the soul to the methodic and intellectual life of spiritual perfection. Logos thus acts through exhortation, training, and teaching. Clement (...)
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    Lives rendered invisible: Bearing witness to human suffering.Mladjo Ivanovic - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:59-74.
    This paper explores the ethical challenges involved in the ways public representation structures our experiences of atrocities and facilitates an adequate awareness of and response towards the suffering of others. It points out that such an analysis should not exhaust itself in answering what makes public representations of human suffering ethically suspicious and intolerable, but should rather extend this task by clarifying how the public forms sentiments about their social and political reality by elucidating under which conditions public representation promotes (...)
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  47. I’m just sitting around doing nothing: on exercising intentional agency in omitting to act.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4617-4635.
    In some recent work on omissions, it has been argued that the causal theory of action cannot account for how agency is exercised in intentionally omitting to act in the same way it explains how agency is exercised in intentional action. Thus, causalism appears to provide us with an incomplete picture of intentional agency. I argue that causalists should distinguish causalism as a general theory of intentional agency from causalism as a theory of intentional action. Specifically, I argue that, while (...)
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  48. A Critique of Substance Causation.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1019-1026.
    In her recent paper, “A Defense of Substance Causation,” Ann Whittle makes a case for substance causation. In this paper, assuming that causation is a generative or productive relation, I argue that Whittle’s argument is not successful. While substances are causally relevant in causal processes owing to outcomes being counterfactually dependent upon their role in such occurrences, the real productive work in causal processes is accomplished by the causal powers of substances.
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  49. Descriptions and Tests for Polysemy.Andrei Moldovan - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):229-249.
    Viebahn (2018) has recently argued that several tests for ambiguity, such as the conjunction-reduction test, are not reliable as tests for polysemy, but only as tests for homonymy. I look at the more fine-grained distinction between regular and irregular polysemy and I argue for a more nuanced conclusion: the tests under discussion provide systematic evidence for homonymy and irregular polysemy but need to be used with more care to test for regular polysemy. I put this conclusion at work in the (...)
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  50. Acceptance and deciding to believe.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Research 29:173-190.
    ABSTRACT: Defending the distinction between believing and accepting a proposition, I argue that cases where agents allegedly exercise direct voluntary control over their beliefs are instances of agents exercising direct voluntary control over accepting a proposition. The upshot is that any decision to believe a proposition cannot result directly in one’s acquiring the belief. Accepting is an instrumental mental action the agent performs that may trigger belief. A model of the relationship between acceptance and belief is sketched and defended. The (...)
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